Although 2020 was difficult for everyone, it became a year of new horizons and achievements for GoLOCAL!
In 2020, the organization has doubled. We also significantly expanded our base of donors and partners and received more than $1,300,000 in grant funding from USAID, GIZ, Luminate, the European Commission, the U.S. Embassy, and the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation. And all this despite the problems related to the pandemic!
In 2020 we launched an international project European Design Upgrade for designers and innovators in partnership with Belgium and Finland. We also implemented several equally significant projects in the regions. Among them:
- Support of Luhansk State Medical University (2019-2020). Supported by U.S. Embassy
- “Best practices for the development of industrial parks and industrial real estate in Eastern Ukraine” Project (2020-2021). With the support of the USAID “Economic support of Eastern Ukraine” Project
- Developed feasibility study, business plan, and financial model for IT education platform on the basis of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University. Commissioned by the USAID “Economic support of Eastern Ukraine” Project
And also this year GoLOCAL has received a new status – the American ED Certificate. It confirms that our organization is a reliable partner and has been reviewed for compliance with the requirements for charitable organizations adopted in the United States.
We are grateful to all our donors and partners for their trust and support. We thank you for your desire to change Ukraine for the better, and we are convinced that together we will be able to do even more.
We are not going to stop in 2021 and have prepared a lot of interesting and useful things for you! Stay tuned!