Kick-off meeting “The team of change”

Today, April 22, 2016, was held the kick-off meeting of the educational project “Bila Tserkva. The team of change”. 24 participants were selected by a special commission from almost a hundred applicants for the two-month educational course on Municipal Management.

Volodymyr Glukhov, Project Manager of the NGO GoLOCAL welcomed the participants. He congratulated them with the passage of selection process and the informed that on Monday, they will start training at the International Institute of Business, which had become a partner in this project.

Nazarii Atamanchuk, the Director of the Agency for Strategic Development of the Bila Tserkva, in his speech, pointed out the priorities for the strategic development of the city, and the function of the Agency in its implementation. He also outlined the prospects for employment opportunities for the best students of the course in cooperation with the Agency.

Olexandr Lemenov, as a representative of the public of Bila Tserkva in the committee that conducted the selection of participants in the educational project, welcomed the participants and urged the public to take an active part in building a responsible society in the city.

Olena Dobrorodnyeva independent psychologist, who advised during the recruitment of participants to “The team of change”, gave more details about the program and the process of schooling.

All participants had the opportunity to make a brief self-introduction and talk on their motivation for participating in the project. They also were given all the necessary information about the program of the course and further steps in its implementation. The first Module starts on Monday, April 25, 2016.

We are sincerely grateful to everyone who was indifferent to the fate of the city and expressed a desire to participate in the contest! We also welcome candidates who are to participate in the course and wish them inspiration and productivity in their work!